PT34    1-hand sword

Bohemia (or Germany), XIth - XIIth century

total length 94,5 cm, blade length 80 cm

weight: 1189 g, sharp blade

Components forged from old weldsteel steel (at least 150 years old). Handle with beef bone insert (cross)

Wooden scabbard covered in calfskin and inlaid with bone (symbol of the Holy Trinity and the Cross), period suspension belts


inspired by an illustration from a medieval chronicle




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PT32    copy of a justice sword

Germany, about 1613

length: 110 cm, weight: ca. 2090 g



Provenance: Museum of Torture and Death Penalty in San Gimignano, Italy




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PT33    copy of a "Langmesser"

Germany, late XVth century

length: cca 95 cm, weight cca. 1380 g

pommel made out of 150 years old folded steel

ebony handle

sharp blade


included decorated scabbard DeLuxe

(wooden core covered with a thin leather, decorated with latin inscriptions, suspension belts)


a similar weapon is a property of the Regional Museum Kolín, Czech Republic



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PT1    copy of a rondel dagger

XVth century

steel with pewter decoration


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PT2    decorated version of DG17

XVth century, bone and horn gripp, 

included wooden scabbard

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PT3    decorated version of DG18

XVth century, bone gripp, 

included wooden scabbard

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PT4    copy of a swiss "degen"

Switzerland, 2nd half XVth century, 

folded or standard steel, length: 57 cm

included wooden scabbard

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PT7    knife (A11 type)  with a mammoth tusk handle

length cca 21 cm




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PT10    exact copy of a bollock dagger

Flemish, XVth century

length: cca 35 cm, weight: cca 130g

The original dagger is a property of the Deutsches Historisches Museum Berlin, Germany




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PT11    exact copy of a rondel dagger

Western Europe, XVth century

length: 34 cm, weight: cca 325g

The original dagger is a property of Museo Lázaro Galdiano, Madrid, Spain




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PT13    exact copy of a bollock dagger

England, late XVth century

length: 44 cm, weight: cca 285g

The original dagger is a property of the Wallace Collection, London, England




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PT18    exact copy of a dagger

Germany, 1st half XVth century


The original dagger is a property of the Bayerisches Armeemuseum Ingolstadt, Germany




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PT20    copy of a bollock dagger

Flemish, XVth century

length: cca 45 cm


from private collection




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PT24    copy of a big "Bauernwehr" knife

Germany, Bohemia, late XV - begin XVI th century

length: cca. 62,5 cm (!!!)


The original knife is a property of the Arma Bohemia collection.




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PT22    copy of a dagger 

Germany or France, 1st half XVI th century, length: 43 cm



The original dagger is a property of the Deutsches Klingenmuseum Solingen, Germany




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PT23    copy of an eating set 

southern Germany, 1st half XVI th century, length: 24 cm



The original set of knives is a property of the State Art Collections Dresden, Germany




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PT27    copy of a landsknecht dagger 

Southern Germany or Switzerland, 1544

length: 40 cm



origin: Schwerzenbach collection, Bregenz; auction Fischer, Zürich, 1935, No.160




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PT28    copy of a Venetian "ear-dagger"

XVth century

length: 38,8 cm


bone gripp, decorated in Moorish style


The original dagger is a property of Museo Lázaro Galdiano, Madrid, Spain




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PT31    copy of a rondel dagger

Italy or southern Germany, 

late XV -1st quarter XVI th century

length: 41,5 cm


steel, decorative floral brass openwork overlays


from private collection




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PT8     copy of a late medieval articulated gauntlets

Kaspar Rieder, Innsbruck, cca 1480

(Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck)

very highly decorated




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PT12    exact copy of mitten gauntlets

South German, late XVth century

The original gauntlet is property of the Royal Armouries Museum, Leeds, England




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PT15    Articulated mitten gauntlets

Germany, late XVth century

The original gauntlets are property of the Bayerisches Armeemuseum Ingolstadt, Germany




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PT16    copy of a salet

raised from 1 piece of material


Germany, late XVth century


a similar salet is in Muzeum Broumovska, Broumov, Czech Republic




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PT6    copy of a 1½ hand sword 

southern Germany, end of XVth century

length: 120 cm, weight: 1480g

The original sword is a property of the Schweizerisches Landesmuseum Zurich, Switzerland

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PT9    copy of "Katzbalger" sword (EP34 type)

- combination with original XVI th century blade


southern Germany, begin of XVI th century





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RE11   copy of a "Panzerstecher" 2-hand sword

Germany, 1573 

length: 247 cm, weight: 3.51 kg 

The original sword is a property of Czech national military museum Prague, Czech Republic

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 EP14    Copy of a sword of Siguinus, of Cologne 

Germany, 1079-1089

length: 94.9 cm, weight: cca 1.387 kg

decorated with brass and copper, 

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EP15    copy of highly decorated viking noble sword

blade folded steel (damasc), guard and pommel with engavings, decorated scabbard & wooden box included

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PT14    exact copy of a 1-hand sword

France, XIVth century

length: 95 cm, weight: cca 900g, sharp

The original sword is a property of Chateau Castelnaud, France




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PT17    copy of a 1½ hand sword

Germany, about 1480

length: 120 cm, weight: cca 1800 g


a silmilar sword is a property of the State Art Collections Dresden, Germany




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PT19    copy of a two-handed sword

Germany, circa 1500

length: cca  143,5 cm, weight: 2160 g

the crossguard and pommel made out of shear steel


Provenenace: Collection Spitzer, Auction catalogue from 1895, Nr. 171




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PT21    copy of "Katzbalger" sword 

southern Germany or Switzerland, 1st half XVI th century, length: 87 cm, weight: cca. 1460g



The original sword is a property of the Reichstadtmuseum Rothenburg o.d.T., Germany




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PT29    copy of a Styrian basket-hilted sword

Austria, about 1580

length: 109 cm, weight: ca. 1,5 kg


from private collection




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PT25    copy of a poleaxe 

southern Germany, XVth century

length: ca 1.8 m



The original poleaxe is a property of the castle Sigmaringen, Germany 




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PT30    copy of a war hammer

West Europe, possibly France or England

2nd half XVth century

length: cca. 190 cm, weight: ca. 2,3 kg


from private collection




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